
New Art Exhibition at Workinton Qatar

Workinton Lusail Receiving Area

Workinton Qatar introduces two new art exhibitions; featuring the very talented Aryam Elizabeth and Pooja Malhotra. Aryam Elizabeth brings to you Symbols. Using acrylic and oil on canvas, Aryam takes you through a journey of various stories, using organic lines and geometrical shapes to convey her message. Pooja Malhotra presents Faces of Nature. Using water […]

Changes: An Art Exhibition featuring 22 International Artists

“Changes”, a group art exhibition focusing on human adaption to its surrounding and experience. Featuring the works of: Alma Otero Dr. Shetha Faraj Abu Alnuman Surabhi Gaidwak Juan Miguel Ramirez Aryam Elizabeth Ladera Ramos Reem Qaddoreh Hayam Medhat Shihar Hamza Pablo Hernandez Molero Lamia Awad Robert Garita Shazia Bhanji Melina de Moura Fatema Mohammed Dana Said […]

Maria T. Costantini Al-Bader

Artist Poster

Born in 1962 in Montevideo, Uruguay. Maria got involved in different charity associations and was able to discover her vocation to voluntary work. In 1992 she was the President of the International Charity Voluntary Association of Sudan, an organization, which through fundraising activities, helps the local orphanages and disables people associations. And in 2008 assumed […]

The Coffee Club

A community of coffee lovers where Roastado Roastery & Brew Bar bring some of their signature coffees exclusively for WorkinMembers. Enjoy a roundtable session alongside other members where you get to learn about various industries and contribute to enhancing your experience as a member at Workinton Qatar. Connect, caffeinate, and collaborate. 8 AM every Sunday […]

Virtual Talks : The Evolution of Design Thinking

From 2.5 million years to our day and age, the shared curiosity of sapiens enabled a sequential thinking of ‘considering a situation’ > ‘imagining a better situation’ > ‘acting to create that situation’ stem from ‘how we might’ questions From earliest human beings to today’s corporate giants like IBM, Google and Apple are placing Design […]

Psychological Capital Series 4 : Optimism

Join us tonight at 8pm where we deep dive into Optimism as a Business Strategy and how it can improve your personal and professional performance. Click here to register. This month our Virtual Talks presents Psychological Capital by Power of Happiness – Turkey. A 4 part webinar series brought to you by Workinton Qatar in […]

Psychological Capital Series 3 : Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from challenges, risks, and failures. Resilient people can adapt to change and stressful situations effectively. They are good at working through negative experiences and challenges happening around them. Most people call resilient people ‘strong’ after seeing them come back from a hard situation. They work hard to reach […]

Psychological Capital : What you’ve missed

Psychological Capital Recap

This month our Virtual Talks presents Psychological Capital by Power of Happiness – Turkey. A 4 part webinar series brought to you by Workinton Qatar in partnership with Hamad Al Amari, featuring Tijen Mergen and Ferah Lok. This past two weeks we discovered Hope and Self-Efficacy. Discussing why and how they are valuable resources under […]

Psychological Capital Series 3 : Optimism

Optimism is probably a word you are familiar with. In research, optimism means a person’s expectation of positive outcomes. Simply, those high in optimism believe things are going to end well. Optimistic people are motivated to work towards their goals and deal with issues right away. It is not just thinking positively, but capability to […]

Psychological Capital

Psychological Capital

Psychological Capital refers to a set of resources a person can use to help improve their performance in life. Psychological Capital is about four different resources: Hope, Self efficacy, Resilience & Optimism. We will work on all of these resources and why they matter all together. Most important point is thatpsychological capital can be developed, […]